Aleksey Vyacheslavovich Belyaev

Aleksey Vyacheslavovich Belyaev
Ph.D. Student, Senior Research Assistant
M.Sci. in Physics
Type of research: theory
 Aleksey V. Belyaev studied physics at Perm State University and obtained his Diploma in 2009. His Diploma thesis under the supervision of Prof. Boris L.Smorodin was dealing with the hydrodynamic instability of vertical flow of ferrofluids in magnetic field. He joined our group in 2009 as a PhD student at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University with a joint appointment as a senior research assistant at the Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Modified Surfaces. He was working on a number of problems related to hydrodynamic and electro-osmotic flows past superhydrophobic surfaces. In 2010 Aleksey has been awarded LG Chem Scholarship. In 2011 he has received the A.N.Frumkin Award "for the best PhD student work in electrochemistry related areas". In 2012 Aleksey has been awarded the Dynasty Foundation grant for graduate students specializing in theoretical physics. He currently holds the position of senior research fellow at the Department of Biophysics, Lomonosov Moscow State University.