What's new?
Textbook Release |
A new textbook by Olga Vinogradova "Colloidal Systems: Colloid ‘Chemistry’ for Physicists" is now available!
1 December 2024 |
New paper by Evgeny Asmolov, Victoria Vasileva and Olga Vinogradova and "Electrophoretic velocity of ion-releasing colloidal particles" is published in Physics of Fluids!
22 November 2024 |
New paper by Olga Vinogradova, Elena Silkina and Evgeny Asmolov "Surface potentials of conductors in electrolyte solutions" appeared in The Journal of Chemical Physics!
9 January 2024 |
New paper by Olga Vinogradova and Evgeny Asmolov "Diffusiophoresis of ionic catalytic particles" is published in Physics of Fluids!
7 November 2023 |
New paper by Olga Vinogradova and Elena Silkina "Electrophoresis of ions and electrolyte conductivity: From bulk to nanochannels" is published in The Journal of Chemical Physics!
4 August 2023 |
New paper by Olga Vinogradova, Evgeny Asmolov "Limiting propulsion of ionic microswimmers" appeared in Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science!
7 July 2023 |
A paper coauthored by Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova "Limiting propulsion of ionic microswimmers" appeared in Physics of Fluids!
10 November 2022 |
New paper by Olga Vinogradova, Elena Silkina, and Evgeny Asmolov "Transport of ions in hydrophobic nanotubes" appeared in Physics of Fluids!
1 October 2022 |
New paper by Tatiana Nizkaya, Evgeny Asmolov, and Olga Vinogradova "Theoretical modeling of catalytic self-propulsion" is published in Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science.
21 March 2022 |
A paper by Evgeny Asmolov, Tatiana Nizkaya and Olga Vinogradova "Self-diffusiophoresis of Janus particles that release ions" is published in Physics of Fluids.
27 September 2021 |
New paper by Evgeny Asmolov, Tatiana Nizkaya and Olga Vinogradova "Instability of particle inertial migration in shear flow" in Physics of Fluids!
22 September 2021 |
A new paper by Olga Vinogradova, Elena Silkina, Evgeny Asmolov and "Enhanced transport of ions by tuning surface properties of the nanochannel" appeared in Physical Review E!
22 April 2021 |
New paper coauthored by Elena Silkina and Olga Vinogradova, "Surface and zeta potentials of charged permeable nanocoatings" has been published in Journal of Chemical Physics!
9 April 2021 |
A paper coauthored by Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova "Light-induced manipulation of passive and active microparticles" has appeared in The European Physical Journal E!
27 January 2021 |
Andrey Subbotin has published a paper "The Structure of Polyelectrolyte Complex Coacervates and Multilayers" in Macromolecules!
1 December 2020 |
New paper by Elena Silkina and Olga Vinogradova ,"Electro-osmotic properties of porous permeable films" has been published in Physical Review Fluids!
17 November 2020 |
New paper by Tatiana Nizkaya,Anna Gekova, Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova ,"Inertial migration of oblate spheroids in a plane channel" has been published in Physics of Fluids!
8 October 2020 |
New paper by Olga Vinogradova, Elena Silkina and Evgeny Asmolov, "Achieving large zeta-potentials with charged porous surfaces" has been published in Physics of Fluids!
2 September 2020 |
New paper by Evgeny Asmolov, Tatiana Nizkaya and Olga Vinogradova "Flow-driven collapse of lubricant-infused surfaces" has been published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics!
29 June 2020 |
The paper coauthored by Taras Molotilin and Olga Vinogradova "Extremely Long-Range Light-Driven Repulsion of Porous Microparticles" has been published in Langmuir!
15 January 2020 |
The paper by Tatiana Nizkaya, Evgeny Asmolov, Jens Harting and Olga Vinogradova "Inertial migration of neutrally buoyant particles in superhydrophobic channels" has been published in Phys.Rev.Fluids!
09 December 2019 |
Congratulations to Anna Gekova on M.M.Dubinin award for her talk «Computer simulation of inertial migration of spheroids in a microchannel» at the Conference of young scientists of the A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry!
28 November 2019 |
The paper by Elena Silkina, Taras Molotilin, Salim Maduar and Olga Vinogradova "Ionic equilibria and swelling of soft permeable particles in electrolyte solutions" has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter!
25 September 2019 |
The paper by Elena Silkina, Evgeny Asmolov, and Olga Vinogradova "Electro-osmotic flow in hydrophobic nanochannels" has been accepted for publication in Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics!
01 May 2019 |
Congratulations to Tatiana Nizkaya on her promotion to the position of a senior research fellow!
4 September 2018 |
The paper by Evgeny Asmolov, Tatiana Nizkaya, and Olga Vinogradova "Enhanced slip properties of lubricant-infused grooves
" has been published in Physical Review E!
27 February 2018 |
The paper by Taras Molotilin, Salim Maduar, and Olga Vinogradova "Star polymers as unit cells for coarse-graining cross-linked networks" has been accepted for publication in Physical Review E!
12 January 2018 |
The paper by Evgeny Asmolov, Alexander Dubov, Tatiana Nizkaya, and Olga Vinogradova "Inertial focusing of finite-size particles in microchannels" has been accepted for publication in Journal of Fluid Mechanics!
3 January 2018 |
The paper by Alexander Dubov, Tatiana Nizkaya, Evgeny Asmolov, and Olga Vinogradova "Boundary conditions at the gas sectors of superhydrophobic grooves" has been accepted for publication in Physical Review Fluids!
7 September 2017 |
The paper by Tatiana Nizkaya, Evgeny Asmolov, and Olga Vinogradova "Advective superdiffusion in superhydrophobic microchannels" has been accepted for publication in Physical Review E.
5 September 2017 |
The paper by Alexander Dubov, Taras Molotilin, and Olga Vinogradova "Continuous electroosmotic sorting of particles in grooved microchannels" has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter.
17 June 2017 |
Congratulations to Taras Molotilin who received an award for his successful talk at The 7th Kargin Conference "Polymers - 2017"!
8 June 2017 |
Congratulations to Salim Maduar on a successful Ph.D. defense!
22 May 2017 |
The embassy of France hosted a reception on the occasion of the renewal of the Interdisciplinary Scientific Center Poncelet, an international unit of the CNRS since 2006. Olga Vinogradova took part in this event.
14 April 2017 |
The paper coauthored by Yaroslav Kudryavtsev "Ordering of anisotropic nanoparticles in diblock copolymer lamellae: Simulations with dissipative particle dynamics and a molecular theory" has been published in J. Chem. Phys.
30 March 2017 |
The date of Salim Maduar's Ph.D. defense has been announced. It will be held on June 8th at Physical Department of Moscow State University at 17-00. The thesis can be found here.
22 December 2016 |
Congratulations to Salim Maduar who received V.A.Kistyakovsky award and Alexander Dubov who received M.M.Dubinin award for their reports at the Conference of young scientists of the A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry!
6 December 2016 |
The paper by Taras Molotilin, Vladimir Lobaskin, and Olga Vinogradova "Electrophoresis of Janus Particles: a Molecular Dynamics simulation study" has been accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.
14 November 2016 |
Congratulations to the L’Oreal-UNESCO 2016 National Fellows who were announced at an award ceremony in Moscow! The program is part of L’Oreal’s global support for women in science. Olga Vinogradova was invited to the event as a special guest.
14 October 2016 |
The paper coauthored by Salim Maduar and Olga Vinogradova "Manipulation of small particles at solid liquid interface: light driven diffusioosmosis" has been accepted for publication in Sci. Rep.
7 October 2016 |
The paper by Salim Maduar and Olga Vinogradova "Electrostatic Interactions and Electro-osmotic Properties of Semipermeable Surfaces" has been accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.
21 July 2016 |
The paper by Tatiana Nizkaya, Alexander Dubov and Olga Vinogradova "Probing effective slippage on superhydrophobic stripes by atomic force microscopy" has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter.
7 July 2016 |
Evgeny Asmolov has been appointed as a leading research fellow at IPCE. Congratulations!
15 April 2016 |
Congratulations to Evgeny Asmolov on a successful D.Sci. (Habilitation) defense!
17 March 2016 |
Congratulations to Alexander Dubov on a successful Ph.D. defense!
23 December 2015 |
Congratulations to Polikarp Kolesov and Tatiana Morozova on successful diploma defense!
23 November 2015 |
The L’Oreal-UNESCO 2015 National Fellows were announced at an award ceremony in Moscow. The program is part of L’Oreal’s global support for women in science. Fellows were selected by a panel of eminent scientists, including Olga Vinogradova.
13 October 2015 |
Salim Maduar has received the 2015/2016 President's scholarship for PhD students!. Congratulations!
9 June 2015 |
The paper by Alexander Dubov and Olga Vinogradova "Regimes of Wetting Transitions on Superhydrophobic Textures Conditioned by Energy of Receding Contact Lines" has been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters.
13 May 2015 |
The paper by Evgeny Asmolov, Alexander Dubov, Tatiana Nizkaya, and Olga Vinogradova "Principles of transverse flow fractionation of microparticles in superhydrophobic channels" has been accepted for publication in Lab on a Chip.
16 March 2015 |
The paper by Tatiana Nizkaya, Evgeny Asmolov, and Olga Vinogradova "Flows and mixing in channels with misaligned superhydrophobic walls" has been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E.
19 February 2015 |
The paper by Salim Maduar, Alexey Belyaev, Vladimir Lobaskin and Olga Vinogradova "Electro-hydrodynamics near Hydrophobic Surfaces" has been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett.
18 February 2015 |
Congratulations to Alexander Dubov and Polikarp Kolesov who received individual grants from Dmitry Zimin Dynasty Foundation!
5 December 2014 |
Congratulations to Alexander Dubov who received V.A.Kistyakovsky award for his report at the Conference of young scientists of the A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry! We also congratulate Taras Molotilin on his 2nd place at the same event.
13 October 2014 |
Salim Maduar has received the 2014 A.N.Frumkin Award "for the best PhD student work in the electrochemistry related areas" for the paper "Electrostatic interaction of heterogeneously charged surfaces with semipermeable membranes" by Salim Maduar, Vladimir Lobaskin and Olga Vinogradova. Congratulations!
1 October 2014 |
The paper by Tatiana Nizkaya, Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova "Gas cushion model and hydrodynamic boundary conditions for superhydrophobic textures" has been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E
30 July 2014 |
The paper by Salim Maduar and Olga Vinogradova "Disjoining Pressure of an Electrolyte Film Confined between Semipermeable Membranes" has been accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.
21 July 2014 |
The paper co-authored by Alexander Dubov and Olga Vinogradova "Contact Angle Hysteresis on Superhydrophobic Stripes" has been accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.
4 February 2014 |
The lecture by Olga Vinogradova on superhydrophobic surfaces at Russia-K.
30 December 2013 |
The paper by Evgeny Asmolov, Alexander Dubov, and Olga Vinogradova "Lattice-Boltzmann simulations of the drag force on a sphere approaching a superhydrophobic striped plane" has been accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.
28 November 2013 |
Congratulations to Tatyana Nizkaya and Taras Molotilin on the 2nd place at the Conference of
young scientists of the A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and
15 November 2013 |
The paper co-authored by Alexander Dubov "Superhydrophobic silica surfaces: fabrication and stability" has appeared in Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering.
12 November 2013 |
The ten L’Oreal-UNESCO 2013 National Fellows were announced at an award ceremony in Moscow. The program is part of L’Oreal’s global support for women in science. Fellows were selected from more than 500 applicants by a panel of eminent scientists, including Olga Vinogradova.
17 October 2013 |
The paper by Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova "Effective slippage on superhydrophobic trapezoidal grooves" has been accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys.
11 October 2013 |
The paper by Tatiana Nizkaya, Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova "Flow in channels with superhydrophobic trapezoidal textures" has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter.
26 July 2013 |
The paper co-authored by Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova "Effective slip-length tensor for a flow over weakly slipping
stripes" has been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E.
17 July 2013 |
The paper by Salim Maduar, Vladimir Lobaskin and Olga Vinogradova "Electrostatic interaction of heterogeneously
charged surfaces with semipermeable membranes" has been accepted for publication in Faraday Discussions.
5 June 2013 |
Congratulations to Taras Molotilin on excellent Diploma defence!
1 May 2013 |
Olga Vinogradova and Alexei Belyaev have published the chapter "Wetting, Roughness, and Hydrodynamic Slip" at the "Nanoscale liquid interfaces" book.
13 February 2013 |
The paper by Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova "Flow past superhydrophobic surfaces with cosine variation in local slip length" has been published in Phys. Rev. E!
8 January 2013 |
The paper co-authored by Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova "Effective hydrodynamic boundary conditions for microtextured surfaces" has been published in Phys. Rev. E as a Rapid Communication!
28 November 2012 |
Congratulations to Salim Maduar and Taras Molotilin on the 2nd place at the Conference of
young scientists of the A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and
24 October 2012 |
Congratulations to Alexei Belyaev on a PhD defence!
20 October 2012 |
The paper co-authored by Evgeny Demekhin "Competition between Dukhin's and Rubinstein's electrokinetic modes" has been published in Phys. Rev. E!
16 October 2012 |
15 October 2012 |
Olga Vinogradova has been elected to Academia Europaea, an eminent organization for European scholars. Academia Europaea members are scientists who collectively aim to promote learning, education and research. Membership of the organisation recognises an individuals as one of the top researchers in Europe
15 September 2012 |
Despite its relatively small size, our laboratory has now the h-index of 50, which is better than for most of the Russian labs and comparable with the best groups in Europe.
29 August 2012 |
Congratulations to Alexander Potapov on excellent Diploma
15 July 2012 |
Olga Vinogradova became a member of the Mediterranean Institute of Fundamental Physics.
15 June 2012 |
The paper by Vladimir Lobaskin, Artem Bogdanov, and Olga Vinogradova "Interactions of neutral semipermeable shells in asymmetric electrolyte solutions" has been accepted for publication in Soft Matter!
6 June 2012 |
A new academic success story from our group: Roumen Tsekov (guest scientist 2007-2009) was elected as a Head of Department of Physical Chemistry (Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy) at the University of Sofia. Congratulations!
6 June 2012 |
Congratulations to Salim Maduar on excellent Diploma defence!
4 June 2012 |
Congratulations to Stanislav Terekhov on excellent Diploma
11 May 2012 |
Our paper "Effective slip boundary conditions for
arbitrary 1D surfaces" has been accepted for publication in J. Fluid Mech. Congratulations to Evgeny Asmolov and Olga Vinogradova!
2 May 2012 |
Our paper "Anisotropic flow in striped superhydrophobic channels" has been accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys. Congratulations to Aleksey Belyaev and Olga Vinogradova!
15 February 2012 |
Congratulations to Alexey Belyaev with the awarded grant of the Dynasty Foundation
for graduate students and nondegreed scientists specializing in theoretical physics!
1 February 2012 |
Congratulations to Alexey Belyaev with the award of the Grant of the Goverment of Russia for Ph.D. students!
17 January 2012 |
Our paper "Tensorial slip of super-hydrophobic channels" has been accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E. Congratulations to Aleksey Belyaev and Olga Vinogradova!
10 January 2012 |
The paper "Elastic instability and contact angles on hydrophobic surfaces
with periodic textures" has appeared in Europhysics Letters. Congratulations to Alexander Dubov!
20 December 2011 |
Our paper "Electrostatic interaction of neutral semi-permeable membranes"
is accepted by J. Chem. Phys. Congratulations to Artem Bogdanov, Vladimir Lobaskin, and Olga Vinogradova!
7 December 2011 |
Congratulations to Alexander Potapov with the 3rd place at the Conference of
young scientists of the A.N.Frumkin Institute of Physical Chemistry and
11 October 2011 |
Aleksey Belyaev has received the 2011 A.N.Frumkin Award
"for the best PhD student work in the electrochemistry related areas"
for the paper "Electro-osmosis on Anisotropic Super-hydrophobic Surfaces"
by Aleksey Belyaev and Olga Vinogradova. Congratulations!
30 August 2011 |
The paper "Drag Force on a Sphere
Moving Toward an Anisotropic Super-hydrophobic plane" by Evgeny Asmolov,
Aleksey Belyaev and Olga Vinogradova has appeared in Phys. Rev. E
26 August 11 |
The paper "Electro-osmosis on Anisotropic
Super-hydrophobic Surfaces" by Aleksey Belyaev and Olga Vinogradova has
appeared in Phys. Rev. Lett. Congratulations!
3 June 2011 |
Congratulations to Alexander Dubov with
excellent M.Sci. defence!